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Ableton Push Controller for Ableton Live Ableton Push is an instrument that solves an old problem: how to make a song from scratch. With hands-on control of melody and harmony, beats, sounds, and song structure, Push. Ableton Push Controller for Ableton Live Ableton Push is an instrument that solves an old problem: how to make a song from scratch. With hands-on control of melody and harmony, beats, sounds, and song structure, Push puts the fundamental elements of music making at your fingertips - and it fits in a backpack alongside your laptop. Ableton Push 2 Controller for Ableton Live Sample and slice beats, tweak sounds, and load instruments without looking at your computer - thanks to the Push controller's big, bright color display. The Push 2 is thinner and slightly taller than the original Ableton Push controller. ZZounds is an authorized dealer of Decksaver products. Cover Dimension: 47 x 37.8 x 3 cm. Customer Reviews. Rate and Review This Product.
A bright, colorful display
The multicolor display is constantly adapting to show you exactly what you need. It provides enough information to keep you in the creative flow without adding distraction.
Less is more

Push is slightly thinner and a little lighter than its predecessor, making it easier to transport from studio to stage.
Designed and engineered by Ableton
Ableton Push One
From the initial planning to the final engineering, Push is an instrument made with Ableton’s careful attention to detail.