Note: Phi Theta Kappa's forum’s will begin Tuesday, September 15th, 11:15 am PDT and be held at the same time each week.
New membersplease use the “Become A Member” button above.
Returning members please use the “Returning Members” button to the left and renew your membership for the coming semester at no charge.
DVD101A - DVD Set 1-2-3 &7 Footwork System, Sword and Impact Weapons, Solo Daga-Knife, Empty Hands v Knife $180.09. Contoh Referensi Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (PTS), Penelitian Tindakan Kelas PTK SD, PTK SMA, PTK SMP, dan PTK TK/PAUD, Kurikulum KTSP, Kurikulum 2013. KAMI TIDAK MENDUKUNG PLAGIATIESME.
Ptk Smk
current surveys/forms (no video link)
Held each week via Zoom
11:15 AM - 11:55 AM
To view past Forums click the “recordings” link at the top of this page
held each week via zoom
mondays: 4pm - 5pm
To view past Forums click the “recordings” link at the top of this page
Ptk Smp Lengkap Dengan Lampiran
currently not active however zoom recordings will be available