Current date/time is Tue Dec 08, 2020 2:42 pm
Ark Creature IDs List. A list of all Ark creature IDs including those for dinosaurs, animals and other entities. Creature IDs in this list apply to all Ark: Survival Evolved versions, including PC, XBOX and PS4. Click the copy button to copy the admin spawn command for a creature to your clipboard. Contentsshow Movement There are three ways that you can move around: Click your mouse somewhere away from you on the lower map. Click your mouse somewhere away from you on the upper map. Use the number pad, by pressing the appropriate number in the direction you wish to go. You can rest for one turn by clicking on the character symbol with the mouse cursor, or by pressing the 5. Information Commands: @commands - Displays a list of @ commands available to the player.; @help/@h/@help2/@h2 - Displays list of commands and usage messages.; @ii/@iteminfo Item ID Part of item name - Show Item infomation (item ID, type, price, etc).; @idsearch - Find an itemID based on item name.; @whodrops Item ID Part of item name - Show who drops an item (mobs with highest drop rate).
Black Brigade Ragnarok :: SD GM Commands
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by Admin Haruhi - 4 Replies
- Admin HaruhiLast Posts
on Mon May 24, 2010 8:37 am
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- @FM KoujiLast Posts
on Sun May 23, 2010 2:06 am
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- @FM KoujiLast Posts
on Fri May 14, 2010 1:25 pm
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by Admin cloud09f - 0 Replies
- Admin cloud09fLast Posts
on Tue May 11, 2010 2:18 pm
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by Admin Haruhi - 3 Replies
- Admin cloud09fLast Posts
on Mon May 10, 2010 7:19 pm
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by Admin cloud09f- 0 Replies
- Admin cloud09fLast Posts
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- 2Identification
Game Masters, commonly known as GMs, are employees of the company that operate the server whose job is to assist players and enforce the rules.
Special Commands
Ragnarok Gm Commands Hack
GMs have access to special commands which allow them to perform their job duties in the game. For a list and description of these tasks, see GM Commands.
Ragnarok Hercules Gm Commands
- The names and public message text of GM characters are displayed in yellow text.
- Private messages from GMs are displayed both in the log panel and at the top of the screen, like global messages.
- GM names are nearly always in the format 'iRO GM n', where 'n' is a zero-prefixed number, such as '01'. Characters that do not exactly follow this format and are not wearing GM clothing should assumed to be fraudulent.
- GMs will never ask for any of your account details in-game; they will always request that you submit account-related queries through the WarpPortal Support Center.
- GMs will never ask for your password under any circumstances.
- GMs characters have a unique appearance. Males wear a white garment with gold trim, which extends down to the character's feet. Females wear a white miniskirt with gold trim.
- GMs will never ask for items or zeny from players for any reason, but they may give items to players as prizes during special events or as compensation for items lost due to circumstances outside of a player's control.
If you encounter a character who claims to be a GM but does not meet the aforementioned criteria, you should immediately report it by submitting a ticket to the WarpPortal Support Center.
Official Forums
Community Managers can be identified by their forum rank title below their avatar image, their rank should read 'Community Manager'.
- GMs can be identified by a red username. Other Gravity employees have purple or silver colored names.
- When viewing the Moderation Team group listing, they are listed there as part of the group. Which can be viewed here.
Please note that you should NEVER give out or post your Ragnarok Online account login information on the forums. If you need account assistance, please contact the GM Team via the Support Ticket Service. The GM and Community Management Teams will NEVER ask for your Ragnarok Online account password. Do NOT give out your Ragnarok Online account password to anyone you do not trust.